Butterfly Gardening in the Carolina Piedmont draws on my years of experience at Shamrock Gardens Elementary and in my own garden. It can be purchased at Park Road Books, Reedy Creek Nature Center and Preserve, Stevens Creek Nature Preserve and on Amazon. It can also be read for free, courtesy of Queen City Nerve, at their issuu site. It was beautifully designed by Little Shiva.
There is also a Spanish version: Jardines y mariposas, translated by Mare Keziah. It should be on issuu soon.
This website allows readers to explore butterflies and butterfly gardening in greater depth.
Several sections of the book direct readers to specific parts of this site. Here are those links.
Page 35 – Mating Luna Moths
Page 41 – Raising Caterpillars
Page 51 –School/Home Activities
Page 53 – Monarch Tagging
You’ll find plenty more if you poke around. Watch this blog for new butterfly, moth and garden stories.
Happy Butterflying!

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